2018 New Orleans

Public School Music Survey Highlights


83% of schools do not have the instruments they need for music programs.


Only 19% of schools report instruments in good condition.

K-8 Schools

61% of K-8 schools report general music programs and 57% report marching or brass bands, but only 37% report concert bands.


K-12 Programs

Band programs account for 56% of all K-12 music programming; vocal music accounts for 8%. 11% of K-8 schools – and no high schools – report strings or orchestra programs.


Talented in Music

Only 13% of K-8 schools and 20% of high schools offer Talented in Music services for identified students.


Teachers & Resources

72% of schools have a music teacher on staff, but only 20% of these educators report having the resources they need.

Current School Needs


Ensemble Instruments

woodwinds, brass, percussion, strings


Instructional Supports

sheet music, software, method books, repairs, curriculum, reeds, strings, etc.


Elementary Music

Orff instruments, recorders, rhythm instruments, guitars, piano, keyboards


Facilities Supports

dedicated music room, risers, chairs, stands, etc.


Staff & Training

teaching staff & professional development


Uniforms & Travel

funds to attend festivals, uniforms


  • In 2018, 65% of New Orleans Public Schools completed the Mapping Music School Music Survey. For schools located across multiple campuses, data was collected for each individual site. 60 of the 93 public school sites in Orleans Parish participated in the survey.

  • Each data point above is drawn from schools reporting.

  • For the purpose of identifying highlights and trends, the New Orleans Center for the Creative Arts (NOCCA), regional, pre-professional arts training center located in Orleans Parish, was removed from data analysis.

  • Individual school information can be viewed on THE MAP.

  • We are currently collecting 2019 data! Please complete the School Music Survey HERE.